We can't wait to see you!

There has never been a more challenging or exciting time to be a payroll professional. Whether virtually or in Myrtle Beach, we are excited to share how VerifyToday can help your team navigate these challenging times.

November 5 @ 10:15am

Matt Kaufer, our Managing Director, will be sharing best practices to navigate your unemployment practice following the pandemic. Come learn about the effects COVID placed on unemployment and how to ensure your tax rates are protected.

 VerifyToday simplifies your HR and payroll.

Wage & Employment Verifications and Unemployment Claims are a pain. With our fully outsourced solutions, VerifyToday helps streamline operations, reduce risk, and create everyday HR and payroll heroes.

Wage & Employment Verifications


VerifyToday provides instant wage & employment verifications to credentialed verifiers 24/7/365. We integrate directly with your payroll system to ensure 100% fulfillment.

Unemployment Claims Administration


Our unemployment claims experts partner with your HR and payroll teams to manage and optimize your unemployment claims lifecycle to maximize win rates and ensure cost savings.

Unemployment Tax Consulting


Whether you're acquiring new assets or analyzing your current business, VerifyToday brings over 30 years of tax expertise to strategically enhance your employment tax planning and management.

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See what makes VerifyToday the industry’s leading partner for HR services. We’re here to help you get started saving time and money. View a demo to experience for yourself the difference our technology and hands-on support can make for you.

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